Majority of the people love to spend their time online on social networking sites, especially Facebook. The wide reach of internet along with popularity of these sites has made the concept of social networking even more popular.
Recently, Facebook has come up with another great feature called Facebook Timeline. This tool is for those online users who want to express their personality. Facebook Timeline resembles an online scrapbook. It changes the way you manage your online profile on this site. You will see that Facebook Timeline arranges the content that you have already shared on the social networking site. Your latest update will appear on the top of the page, thereby following a chronological order. You can also experiment on the arrangement of photos that were posted by you earlier.
Facebook Timeline is all about creativity, you can really try out different combination of your photographs and information. Some people are hesitant to changes and this is why they want to get rid of Facebook Timeline. However, getting rid of Facebook Timeline is not as easy as it seems.
As of now, there is no way to get rid of Facebook Timeline. Since it doesn’t show in the installed application section on the account setting page, you cannot delete it. It is being said that ultimately every profile will be converted into a Timeline. However, these are still unconfirmed reports. So whether you like it or not, you have to use the Facebook Timeline.
Facebook Cover is something which immediately catches your attention. Whenever you visit a timeline of a person, you will see the cover first. Facebook Cover has got two columns, one of bigger size which forms a background and the smaller one on the bottom right of the cover. When you use Facebook Timeline, all your privacy and safety features are carried forward from your previous profile and they are retained. If you feel like changing the settings, you can easily do it.
All social networking sites come up with new features and interfaces every time. Sometimes of them are a hit, whereas some are a complete flop. Let’s wait and see whether people will love the new change or will want to get rid of Facebook Timeline.
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