The Fujitsu LifeBook S7111 notebook PC, now available in India, is powered by Intel Centrino Duo Processor technology and it features, 14.1-inch widescreen display, integrated Bluetooth, integrated fingrprint recognition technology, 5-in-1 media card slot, and Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g wireless connection. The Fujitsu LifeBook S7111 notebook PC is powered by 1.83 GHz, Core 2 Duo Processor T5600 , with 2-MB L2 cache at 667 Mhz FSB, and it features true Intel 945GM Express chipset motherboard, 512 DDDR2 SDRAM (633 MHz), 120 GB Serial-ATA-150 5400 rpm 2.5 inch harddisk, and Slot-in Super multi drive 8x DVD Writer with double layer recording capacity of 8.5 GB fast notebook the notebook notebooks new notebook notebook diry notebook