Hands-on video with the Samsung Giorgio Armani B7620. Following the Giorgio Armani phone in 2007 and the Emporio Armani “Night Effect” in 2008, the famous fashion house, together with Samsung, has now announced the latest Armani phone, the Giorgio Armani–Samsung smartphone. ?he new fashionable handset is smart, boasting no other operating system, but Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 6.5. Similarly to the previous phones, created in close partnership with the fashion house, this one has also been designed by Giorgio Armani himself. Along with the side-sliding QWERTY keyboard, the Giorgio Armani smartphone has a large 3.5-inch touch-sensitive screen, which utilizes AMOLED technology. Additional features include a 5-megapixel camera, Wi-Fi, GPS, 8GB of internal storage space and a microSD slot (supporting cards of up to 32GB in size).
[Via] -- Thx Phone Arena
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