In this video the YouTube user “tysiphonehelp” will show you the easiest way to jailbreak any iPhone or iPod Touch on the 3.1.2 firmware using Blackra1n on Mac. If you are a Windows user, check out this guide
(Jailbreak your phone at your own risk, you may damage your phone)
- If you continue to have problems with this just wait for a jailbreak from the DevTeam. It will work perfectly with NO bugs.
- If your iPhone is Unlocked DO NOT do this guide, its only for a jailbreak. Subscribe to stay tuned for my unlocking guide.
- If you have problems with the program getting stuck on connect to itunes mode(recovery mode) close the program, reboot your device by hold home and power for 20 seconds and try the program again no matter what state your device is in.
- If you have an iPod Touch 3G (if it was bought after September 9th this is a tethered jailbreak. That means if you turn your device off and you want to turn it back on your have to plug it up to the computer and run Blackra1n again to get it to reboot.)
- If your new iPod Touch 2G/3G 8g model number starts with MB it’ll work, if your model starts with MC it won’t. Go to Settings -- General -- About to see your model number.
- If you get stuck at the part where it says “going into recovery mode” and it stops doing anything, manually put it in recovery mode. If you don’t know how google it!
- Some Cydia applications aren’t working at the moment. Just be patient they will update them!
If you haven’t already updated to the 3.1.2 firmware you can download it from iTunes or here:
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